Living Well Networks

The Living Well Networks (LWNs) are for people with an interest in building healthy communities.

They provide an opportunity for people to come together to find out what issues matter to local communities; to plan activities and events together; and to network with individuals, services and organisations with an interest in improving health. The networks have allocated co-ordination time funded by the Argyll and Bute HSCP.

The Living Well Networks operate in 8 areas across Argyll and Bute. Click on the images below to find out about the latest work of your local network and how to contact the local LWN coordinator.

Bute LWN

Cowal LWN

Helensburgh LWN

Islay & Jura LWN

Kintyre LWN

Mid Argyll LWN

Mull, Iona, Tiree, Coll & Colonsay LWN

Oban & Lorn LWN