Helensburgh & Lomond Living Well Network

The Helensburgh and Lomond Living Well Network is available for anyone with an interest in improving the health, (in any shape or form!) of the citizens of Helensburgh & Lomond. It comprises of members from local charities, support groups, community councils, statutory and private sectors and interested members from our communities. New members are always welcome.

Quarterly face-to-face LW Network meetings are held in Helensburgh with an online option.

Veronica Ferguson is the new Coordinator. She is a local yoga instructor who tries to practice what she’s preaches by look after her mental and physical health through yoga, running, chatting and a daily dose of chocolate.

The LWN meets at least 4 times a year, to network, build partnerships, share knowledge and presentations.

In between meetings, members receive bulletins with relevant news and information. To join our mailing list please email : helensburghlivingwellnetwork@btinternet.com

You can also find out lots of information and we can share what you're doing on our Facebook page
